The leaderboard is a feature on our platform that ranks users based on their ROI (Return on Investment) percentage. This percentage is calculated by comparing the starting account balance (Net Asset Value at the time of registration) and ending account balance over the competition period.
How often is the leaderboard updated?
The leaderboard is updated every 30 minutes. This means that the rankings are constantly changing and users have the opportunity to improve their position on the leaderboard every day.
How is my P&L and ROI% derived?
Your P&L (Profit and Loss) and ROI (Return on Investment) percentage are calculated using the following formula:
P&L = Final Balance - Starting Balance
ROI = P&L / Starting Balance
Note: The Starting Balance is your Net Asset Value (NAV) at the time of registration for the competition.
This means that your P&L is simply the difference between your final and starting account balances. Your ROI is then derived by dividing your P&L by your starting balance, ensuring a fair ranking system across all participants.
Disclaimer: Please note that the above calculations are solely for the purpose of leaderboard ranking calculation. They do not reflect your overall performance on our platform and should not be used as a measure of your success as a trader.